Tiwi Downlands

This BLOG seeks to show people back home on the Tiwi Island what we are learning and where we live at Downlands, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Boarding House

Jan Cooke is in charge of the boarding house. Jan's husband was at Monivae and was a friend of Phil 40 years ago.

Jan has had seven children and has come to Downlands to give them a hand. She is good for us

The Boarding House is modern, warm and comfortable.

We share a room. You can see what the bedrooms look like. There are four beds to a room. There are two spare beds in our room. We have the window beds and our feet point at one another.

We each have our own desk and wardrobe space.

The boarding house has an exercise machines, a the big TV room and a pool table.


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