Tiwi Downlands

This BLOG seeks to show people back home on the Tiwi Island what we are learning and where we live at Downlands, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

First Day 2007

The first day at Downlands for 2007!

The Society of St Vincent de Paul has set aside $15,000 a year so five Tiwi children can come down each year to Downlands - for five or more years.............

You can see the photos of the two St V de P men, Dennis Tarte of the Kenmore parish who has arranged this whole project, and Laurie from Toowoomba who is organizing the clothing for the kids.

Josita and Sebina arrived at the school seeming very comfortable and secure - happy to be back. Fr John welcomed them very warmly. The two boys are in the Fr Ted Harris dorm and I have no doubt that they will be comfortable. (Fr Ted Harris was the priest killed in PNG during the war, when the Japanese were coming he refused to leave his people. He was beheaded.)

Wendy will go up to visit the kids next week-end. The school is very happy the kids are back and wish the best for Terese, who did so much to make this scheme successful.


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