Tiwi Downlands

This BLOG seeks to show people back home on the Tiwi Island what we are learning and where we live at Downlands, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Winter Crunches Toowoomba Tiwi

Winter hit Toowoomba this weekend and nowhere harder than the top oval where Wilfred and Bradley were playing rugby against Brisbane Grammar School.

At first the girls would not leave the warmth of the boarding house, but they changed into their school uniforms and watched the game, and so cold was it that it took $10 of hot chips to warm their fingers as we drove back to Brisbane.

We went straight to the Kenmore parish for mass with the St V de p society, as had the St V de P flash car for the weekend.

On Sunday we went down to the Gold Coast and played football on the beach, but even that did not make us feel warm. Back in Bris, we sat before the TV watching AFL, warmed by the log fire.

The girls especially did not want to go back to Toowoomba when the weekend was over. It has been too much for everyone, away from home, the head hurting from too much learning and cold biting fingers and toes.

It took some tough talk for us to move, but we know what Noel and our parents expect of us, we know that we have to do a John the Baptist and 'prepare the way' for others to have a chance.

We were happy enough by the time we got back to Toowoomba, it is hard but we have to do it for the community.

We hope to meet with Hon Barbara McCarthy MLA at Parliament house, because she went though all this at a Sydney school back in 1988. We will get to Darwin on 20 June and then stay over for the Bulldogs game before returning to Nguiu on Sunday 24 June.

We hope to have another boy join us for next term. Next term they play AFL at Downlands, for boys and girls, it will be easier and and good fun for us!

Winter is cold in Toowoomba. You have to be mad to live so far from the tropics !!


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