Tiwi Downlands

This BLOG seeks to show people back home on the Tiwi Island what we are learning and where we live at Downlands, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mid Term Break, August 2007

After the Athletics Carnival the Teacher Dave Bartlett gave an evaluation on how the kids were going and how they were handling the problems

Bradley was complimented because he can turn his behaviour around. When asked to improve, that is what he does! Dave felt that Bradley has the ability to lead from the front and show good behaviour all the time - he does not really need to be reminded of how a Tiwi should act.

Wilfred tests real smart! He is learning how to apply himself but he needs to answer up and speak up in class - because people want and need to hear what he is thinking!

Josita has been at Downlands for a whole year. She is the source of fun for everyone and she is the heart and conscience. Josita sets the other kids on course. Dave thought she just needs to keep on trying, keep on involving in everything and it will get easier for her.

Sheree has started well. She is smart and applies herself well. Sheree is a real gift to the team and all the kids like her.

John-Piere has the ability to get out and embrace all the other students. He is the Key Man for getting Tiwi to participate more in the life of the school. As Key Man he needs to pull himself into gear and be responsible because he has the god given gifts for this whole project to take off.
Generally, Dave said the kids have to stop talking Tiwi in class. Too often they use Tiwi for fun talk and very often to have lousy fun at the expense of others - Sheree gets stirred too much. The idea is to ask the teacher's permission before using Tiwi to explain a point to another kid. At Downlands they had to ask the Chinese kids to speak in english also. Downlands is a place where all kids want to mix as equals.

The other thing is that the Tiwi kids have to mix in better. The other aborigine and the African kids were fully in the School athletics carnival, they are in all the sports. Dave said the Tiwi kids have come down to be educated with white kids - they have to stop being shy, they have to have a go!

The final thing is that when it is time to go to bed, kids can't yell out and cause a disturbance. When the staff say it is lights out and mouths shut, everyone has to live by the rules. Bucking the rules is 'not on' and it is a shame job for Noel and the parents back home!

At Tennis the kids were with Downland old boy and Australian Rugby International Tim Horan and they met up with Damian O'Sullivan and his kids - who still loves Tiwi big time. They are photographed with Fr Neil Byrnes from the Kenmore Parish - the Kenmore parish are sponsoring Tiwi through St Vincent de Paul and it is costing $6,000 per student per year!
Went to the Museum the next day, the Art Gallery and finished up having a look at Government House.


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