Tiwi Downlands

This BLOG seeks to show people back home on the Tiwi Island what we are learning and where we live at Downlands, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Good reports from everyone!

Just back from Downlands. The boy's Dorm boss said John-Piere has had a very good week and Bradley has been better than perfect. The boys are really settling down and keeping the laws of the place.

The Dorm has a rule, that if you swear, you pay a fine of $1. I will talk to Noel about this and I know the Tiwi parents will tell the boys to pay up. If you talk bad, you pay the price!
The boys have been very good and are to be congratulated. They need however to improve in obeying the rules. A place like Downlands cannot operate with out laws - and all the students must follow the laws.
You can't crack up, kick walls and swear at teachers when you told to follow the rules! I hear this is what happened on Sunday night after I left. The kids need to get together and talk with Eusebia and the parents about this!!!

The girls are going exceptionally well. Sheree is mixing very well with the girls in the dorm and Josita gives good leadership to all.

Parents will need to work with the teachers in helping the kids control money. They tell me that $10 to $20 a week is more than enough for kids at Downlands. The Tiwi parents are very generous sending money down, and it goes quickly - often at the local BP station which charges like a wounded bull!

Maybe it will be good for parents to work in with the Dorm bosses on how money is used at Downlands