Term 3, 2008
Worst start to a term, sickness and deaths back at Nguiu meant the new kids Tamera and Isador came on their own. It was tough for them, but it worked out well. Noreen came the next week and has been good foreverone.
We wasted three flights worth $1600 when kids missed the flight the week after. At this point we were out of money and could not afford to buy replacements. We have one hundred people giving $100 each to pay for the Tiwi kids fares. We are now sending out more letters to pay for next term. We can't afford to waste plane fares.
But the kids here have been good. They were home last weekend, went to Queensland University for Tennis, with GBJT, and each was given a new shirt. They were guests of the AFL and Brisbane Lions for the Lions v Bulldogs game, and then back to Downlands on Monday. Sweet kids!