June 1, 08 mid second Term
The photo inclused some of the other aboriginal kids studying in Toowoomba .
Karla hosted a Downlands meeting of all the Aboriginal kids studying in Toowoomba. Laurie Reedy represented Vinnies. The focus was on the need to set targets and work hard. Three Tiwi boys are currently playing top level AFL - amazing that islands with a population of 3000 can produce such stars. Now we have to achieve equally in education.
Josetta commences one day a week at Toowoomba TAFE next term - commencing a course in sports management. The Downlands education unit will help Josetta in her course the other four days. The kids think there is a job there to organise netball, basketball and soccer for the young Tiwi kids. Josetta is doing the course so she can hold down that job. Congratulations Josetta.
Everyone was happy today!!