Tiwi Downlands

This BLOG seeks to show people back home on the Tiwi Island what we are learning and where we live at Downlands, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Governor of Queensland Visits Tiwi Kids

The Governor of Queensland heard or the good work of the Tiwi kids and decided to support them with a visit. Noel and Eusebia came down, because they are the main ones keeping the Downlands Education scheme together.

The Governor is Ms Quentin Bryce and you can read of her at http://www.govhouse.qld.gov.au/

A Governor is not just a person, she speaks on behalf of Queenslanders. When Parliament passes a law, it becomes legal when the Governor adds her signature. When Governor Bryce decided to support Tiwi kids, she represents the Government of Queensland and the people of Queensland - including the new Queenslander Prime Minister: TheTiwi community is doing the right thing sending kids to Downlands!

Noel and Eusebia leave Brisbane tonight and will arrive back on the Tiwi Islands tomorrow morning. Before leaving for the airport Noel and Eusebia will pray at the 6.00pm OLR Kenmore Mass, because it is the parish St Vincent de Paul Society wich is their prime support.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Noel and Eusebia visit Downlands

Noel and Eusebia attended the St Vincent de Paul Society meeting at Kenmore last night and enjoyed being with the guys who give Tiwi so much support.

We then drove up to Toowoomba, which is about two hours away from Brisbane and you should have seen the kids leap with excitment when Noel and Eusebia arrived.
We had good sessionswith the boarding school and teaching staff who were full of praise for the Tiwi kids. You don't expect young people to be angels, but they said that the kids were trying to obey the rules and pull their weight. The kids are down here to live alongside white kids, so they have to fit in with and respect the local culture. Each time we visit Downlands we get a better report, the guys are trying and deserve praise.
Noel and Eusebia stayed in the MSC community, and attended mass witht he priests the next day before sitting in on classes. They are proud of what has been achieved. The next thing is to get two new twelve year old girls ready to start next term we need the applications sent to Downlands next week!

Noel and Eusebia are asking the kids to become more involved in the sports programs. Especially the girls!!
John-Piere won the Best and Fairest in the Toowoomba AFL school football league and next year we want to see the same involvement in the first term, in soccer and in all the sports - including girls netball. John-Piere is starting to get good reports for his behaviour!

We are down here to learn to live alongside white australians and sport is an area where Tiwi can give out some lessons.

There are more photos on http://picasaweb.google.com.au/phillipwh/EusebiaVisit

Sheree http://picasaweb.google.com.au/phillipwh/ShereeSFaces